صفحه شخصی ندا اسفندیاری   
نام و نام خانوادگی: ندا اسفندیاری
استان: اصفهان - شهرستان: اصفهان
رشته: کارشناسی عمومی
تاریخ عضویت:  1388/12/21
 روزنوشت ها    

  پل مارپیچ، حلقه اتصال هنگ کنگ و چین بخش عمومی


آنچه که در تصویر مشاهده می کنید، ایده اولیه نوعی پل مارپیچ برای حل مشکل تردد میان هنگ کنگ و چین است. مشکل از این قرار است که در هنگ کنگ رانندگان بایستی از منتها الیه سمت چپ جاده عبور کنند. این در حالی است که قوانین در چین برعکس بوده و بایستی از منتها الیه سمت راست خود حرکت نمایند. حالا تصورش را بکنید که رعایت این قانون در جاده ای که حلقه اتصال این دو منطقه است چه فاجعه ای را به وجود خواهد آورد؟!

این پل که با نام Pearl River necklace(گردنبند مروارید رودخانه) معرفی شده، قرار است با طرح مارپیچ گونه خود تردد را در دو باند مجزا تفکیک کند، تا حوادث در این جاده به حداقل خود برسد.

اگر این ایده به عنوان طرح نهایی پذیرفته شود، علاوه بر حل مشکل ترافیک این منطقه، به دلیل داشتن چشم انداز ساحلی زیبا، یک جاذبه گردشگری هم خواهد بود.

NL architects: hong kong boundaries crossing facilities

hong kong boundaries crossing facilities - 'pearl river necklace' by NL architects
all images courtesy NL architects

dutch NL architects have sent in images of their 'pearl river necklace', a proposal for

the hong kong boundary crossing facilities international ideas competition. the aim for
entrants was to create a new landmark to reflect hong kong as a vibrant global
and metropolitan city.

the bridge

there is an existing master plan, however NL architects proposed to make some adjustments
to the configurations to improve the area.'pearl river necklace' is an attempt to unite the knot.

it is a breakdown of the complexities of the border crossing facilities into a necklace.
the objective was to bring to the surface the beauty of the hong kong boundaries crossing facilities,
at the same time reinforcing the attractiveness of the projected hong kong - zhuhai - macau bridge.

bisecting the bridge

bisecting the enormous complexity of the boundary crossing facility in its core elements -

bus/coach passenger clearance and private car and cargo checkpoints, allows for a simpler

in hong kong driving on the left

hong kong has traffic on the left where china has traffic on the right. in principle this has to be
taken into consideration with the border crossing facilities. within the proposed master layout

plan this leads to fairly unarticulated intersections. it solves the switch, but does not communicate
it 'explicitly'.

the 'flipper'

the flipper is a device designed to 'celebrate' the traffic switch. it aims to redirect traffic in
an efficient safe way.

in the hong kong section

entering hong kong

hong kong area

crossing over to china

driving on the right side

where the two sections meet

entering the border crossing road

the border crossing facilities from a distance

they propose an archipelago of artificial islands on the border of hong kong and china;

a string of specifically formed islands that derive their from and beauty from their

the islands with parking facilities and bus depots

the islands with parking facilities and bus depots

the islands with parking facilities and bus depots

the islands with parking facilities and bus depots

the islands with parking facilities and bus depots

the airport

in the proposed master layout the border crossing facilities paradoxically, are not located

on the border. NL architects suggest to move to an alternative location.

drawings of the island facilities

drawings of the island facilities

drawings of the island facilities

the site plan

the necklace/bracelet system - each incoporating sections of the road

with the exisiting plan at the time of crossing the road, it is not perpendicular to the road
you travel on. if the border crossing facilities will be part of the 'bracelet' system,

it can easily be rotated 90 degrees.

'bracelet system'

pivate car kiosk arrangement

unfolding the private car kiosks into a monumental linear structure automatically transforms
the shape of the island. a by pass for the bus and coach access is created through the middle.

structure of road

'pearl river necklace' proposes to elevate the section of hong kong zhuhai macau bridge

right in front of the entrance to the tunnel. the additional heightened position will give
the opportunity to overlook the destination.

elevation of the bridge

the passenger clearance building and its arteries have a good organization. by arranging
the drop off bays on the first level passengers have to descend only. the walking distances

are reduced and made more comfortable. a symmetrical typology is taken out of the
system and an interlocking system emerges.

the passenger clearance building

the passenger clearance building - interior


دوشنبه 31 خرداد 1389 ساعت 12:45  
شادین امانی 13:32 سه شنبه 1 تیر 1389
 شادین امانی